Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stress Level Decrease by Massage Therapies

Massage can actually decrease the levels of stress hormones and increase serotonin (sleep modulator) thus considerably counteracting the effects of pressure. It will also stimulate the systems that were shut down to conserve energy such as your defense mechanisms, reproduction and digestion. Your muscles relax and your stress threshold has been lowered considerably.

Now a day’s spa and massage demand has been greater for due to stress despite the both men and women. Stress complaining of body aches, insomnia, physical, mental fatigue and loss of energy.  

Relaxing Massage and its benefits:-

1) Energy Circulation
2) Help to reduce and manage physical and mental stress
3) Improve level of hemoglobin
4)  Relax and smooth the body and mind
5) Activates blood circulations
6) Improves quality of sleep
7) Increases concentration and creativity

And lots of invisible benefits of spa and massage therapies. So everyone you have to need a break come spa in bvi and enjoy our life.

1 comment:

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